Campo Minado by Paulo Wirz
opening 11.3 18:00H
The unlikely pairing of the Minesweeper game, domino and Dante's Convivio share a common thread of revealing hidden meanings, whether it's navigating a minefield or uncovering deeper knowledge, and remind us that sometimes the greatest rewards come from taking calculated risks.
Paulo Wirz (1990) graduated in 2019 with a Master in Fine Arts from HEAD in Geneve. His works bridge the past and the present, and deeply question the social meaning of symbolically charged objects. Similar to an alchemist, Paulo Wirz transforms the materials he uses and draws our attention to the ambiguity of their properties: he changes their state, for example through color, fire, wax or reflections, not only formally but also in their meaning. The works are thus always based on an intrinsic mutability that oscillates between the visible and the invisible, the past and the enduring.
11.3.2023 18h
Concert with Lucas Wirz from 21h
Idastrasse 46, 8003 Zürich, Switzerland
Thu - Fri 17-19 h / Sat 12-16 h